We have assembled some great resources to help you get started on your journey. Much of this information is published by CMHC (Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation)
Additionally, we would be happy to meet with you in your home to answer the more specific questions you may have (and it's free and with no obligation). Contact us today for more information.
Interior Renovations
Kitchen Design
Function, usability and flexibility are some of the latest trends in kitchen design that people are demanding so that kitchens work for themselves and their families as people's needs change .
Learn how to select appliances which can be easily used by people of differing ages and abilities.
Bathroom Design
This fact sheet provides the detail on how to successfully design a universally accessible bathroom.
Secondary Suites
Secondary suites can provide affordable living space and intensify urban development without adding new buildings.
Things you should think about when choosing resilient, laminate, and wood flooring, as well as carpet and ceramic tile.
Designing Living Spaces
This fact sheet provides an overview of planning and design. guidelines to consider when creating, renovating or redecorating the living spaces in your home.
Accessible Home Design / Floor Plans
This fact sheet provides design guidelines for the most common types of accessible house designs including: visitable housing, adaptable and accessible housing and housing built using the concepts of universal design.
Renovating Your Basement
Find out about common problems that can be fixed, as part of the renovations, to make your basement a healthy living space.
Replacing Your Furnace
This fact sheet provides you with information on replacing your existing furnace with a new one.
Buying a Water-Efficient Toilet
Tips and advice on buying a water-efficient toilet using current toilet rating programs.
Exterior Renovations
Energy Efficiency Building Envelope Retrofits for Your House
Achieve varying degrees of space heating energy savings by better insulating and air sealing your house.This fact sheet looks at airtightness, insulation and window/door replacement strategies.
Energy Efficient Upgrade — Mechanical Systems
Before altering these, it is important to understand how the overall performance of the house will be affected.
Energy Efficient Upgrade — The Building Envelope
Improving the building envelope can result in a better insulated, more airtight home that is easier to heat.
Garden Suites
Introductory information on garden suites for seniors or persons with disabilities.
Other Stuff
Home Inspection Checklist
Here is a handy checklist to help you identify work that should be done to your home.